Arge Ja zur Umwelt, Nein zur Atomenergie

Keine weitere Förderung der Atomenergie durch die Internationale Atomenergiebehörde (IAEO)

Förderung der Atomenergie aus dem Auftrag der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEO) ausklammern

Presseaussendung von ATOMSTOPP International vom 28.2.05 (um Zusammenfassung ergänzt)

PA: Offener Brief an UN-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan

Anlässlich des  51. Jahrestages der Zündung der Wasserstoff-Bombe auf dem Bikini-Atoll am 1. März 1954 durch die USA wenden sich 150 Organisationen an den UN-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan und plädieren in einem offenen Brief dafür, dass die Förderung der Atomenergie explizit aus dem Mandat der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEO) ausgeklammert wird.

"Gerade die andauernden Spannungen und Konflikte über die Nutzung der Atomenergie im Iran und in Nordkorea zeigen, dass die Grenze zwischen friedlicher und militärischer Nutzung der Atomenergie eine fließende und diffuse ist.", so Roland Egger (atomstopp_atomkraftfrei leben!) für ATOMSTOPP International.

Zusammenhang Atomwaffen - Atomkraftwerke

Zusammenfassung des Briefes:

Die Aufgabe der IAEA sind die Förderung der zivilen Nutzung der Atomenergie einerseits und die Überwachung der Anlagen bzw. Einschränkung gegenüber militärischer Nutzung andererseits. In dieser Aufgabenstellung liegt schon ein Widerspruch, denn Atomkraftwerke und Atombomben sind, technisch gesehen, nur zwei verschiedene Anwendungen ein und derselben Technik. Ein Staat, der Atomkraftwerke betreibt, hat daher immer die Möglichkeit, innerhalb relativ kurzer Zeit auch Atomwaffen herzustellen.

Viele Staaten betrieben und betreiben daher unter dem Deckmantel der zivilen Atomenergienutzung mehr oder weniger geheime Atomwaffenprogramme. Die Erfahrung der letzten Jahrzehnte zeigt, daß die Förderung der Atomenergie und die Wissensverbreitung über die Technik der Kernspaltung tatsächlich zu einer weiteren Verbreitung der Atomwaffenproduktion beigetragen hat, anstatt diese einzuschränken.

Daher fordern zahlreiche Umweltorganisationen: Die Aufgabe der IAEA soll in Zukunft nicht mehr die Förderung der Atomtechnik, sondern ausschließlich die Überwachung bzw. Sicherung der bestehenden zivilen und militärischen Anlagen sein. Für die Fragen der zukünftigen weltweiten Energieversorgung soll in Zukunft nur mehr eine UNO-Behörde für die erneuerbaren Energien zuständig sein.

IAEA: Keine Förderung der Atomenergie - Erneuerbare Energien statt Atomkraftwerke

Mr. Kofi Annan
Secretary General
United Nations
New York, NY 10017 USA
IAEA: keine förderung von Atomenergie! International Atomic Energy Agency
P.O. Box 100
Wagramer Strasse 5
A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Tel: (+431) 2600-0
Fax: (+431) 2600-7
Linz, 28th February 2005


This letter was drafted during the symposium "The Lie of the peaceful use of atomic energy - nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants - two sides of the same coin" held in Linz (Austria) on 1st/2nd October 2004. The Symposium was organized by the "Upper Austrian Platform against Nuclear Danger". 150 organisations worldwide have signed the letter and expressed their agreement. It is - and this was agreed by the international  participants of the symposium - an inevitable connection  between nuclear power and nuclear weapons. There are  deficiencies of international non-proliferation regimes connected with the promotion of nuclear energy. Tomorrow the world commemorates the anniversary of the day  of the H-Bomb Test at the Bikini Atoll in 1954.


Dear Sir,

 we, the undersigned organisations, would like to bring   your  attention to the urgent deficiencies of international  non-proliferation regimes connected with the promotion of   nuclear energy.

Today, many countries can obtain nuclear weapons because of  the undeniable and inevitable connection between nuclear  power and nuclear weapons. The existing system of non- proliferation treaties and IAEA safeguard systems have  failed to put a halt to proliferation since their conception.

 The fact that the concepts of "atoms for peace" and "atoms  for war" are indistinguishable from one another has led to  the current crisis situation where the nuclear programs of   countries such as Iran and North Korea are causing such  concern amongst the international community.

 The IAEA has identified the prevention of nuclear weapons  proliferation as a major challenge but it acknowledges  the "failed operation of the export control regime, as   evidenced by the recently discovered black market of  nuclear material and equipment" and " the perilous spread  of fuel cycle technology." As the IAEA states, under the  current non-proliferation regime, there is nothing illicit  in a non-nuclear-weapons state having enrichment or  reprocessing technology, or possessing weapon-grade nuclear  material; and if a State with a fully developed fuel-cycle capability and highly industrialised  infrastructure were to decide to reject its non- proliferation commitments, it could produce a nuclear  weapon within a matter of months.

 The IAEA has recently acknowledged that in order to address  these vulnerabilities, it needs to bring the production of  new fuel, the processing of weapon-usable material, and the  disposal of spent fuel and radioactive waste under multi- national control and claims that advantages in terms of  cost, safety, security and non-proliferation could accrue  from such a multi-national approach. It is not clear how  the same multi-national approach that has failed to  accomplish non-proliferation of nuclear weapons or addressed many  other crucial issues could accomplish this.

This public admission of failure by IAEA amounts to an  appeal for the overhaul of international non-proliferation  regimes and we the undersigned would like to add our  support to this call.

 At present, the nuclear establishment operates as a state  within a state without any accountability, transparency or  public debate, especially where budgetary considerations  are involved. It is not in the public interest to allow  such practices to continue. Civil society has experienced the erosion of democratic and human rights and  we would request that you initiate a discussion on these  matters within the UN structure and would, as principal  stakeholders, be willing to participate in such a  discussion.

 Our aim is a world free of nuclear technology and to  achieve this we suggest that the existing IAEA be  substituted with an agency for the efficient control of all  nuclear facilities (military and civilian) and materials,  and that excludes the promotion of nuclear technology from its mandate. We would also advocate the installation of a  new International Renewables Energy Agency (IREA) for the  promotion of renewable energy, which is today already  capable of completely substituting the dangerous and  environmentally destructive nuclear and fossil fuel energy sources, and supports the efficient use  of energy. The sun sends 7000 times the amount of energy as  the sum consumed by the entire world at present to the  surface of the earth. It is a question of political will,  and not of technology, to enable the provision of the  global supply of electrical energy with clean renewable  energy sources within a decade or two.

Yours sincerAtomenergie: ziviles Feigenblatt militärischer Ambitionen auf Atomwaffenely
On behalf of ATOMSTOPP International
Roland Egger
atomstopp_atomkraftfrei leben!
Landstraße 31
4020 Linz

1. Ali Eltari, Albanian Ecological Club, Albania

2. Julio Grace, Human Rights Organization, Bariloche,
Rio Negro, Argentina

3. Jo Vallentine, People for Nuclear Disarmament,
Western Australia

4. Mathilde Halla, ATOMSTOPP - OÖ Plattform gegen
Atomgefahr, Austria
5. Anneliese Teufel, ATOMSTOPP - OÖ Plattform gegen
Atomgefahr, Austria
6. Werner Halla, ATOMSTOPP - OÖ Plattform gegen
Atomgefahr, Austria
7. Edith Furch, ATOMSTOPP - OÖ Plattform gegen
Atomgefahr, Austria
8. Ursula Stoff, ATOMSTOPP - OÖ Plattform gegen
Atomgefahr, Austria
9. Roland Egger, ATOMSTOPP - OÖ Plattform gegen
Atomgefahr, Austria
10. Brigitte Scheiblhofer, ATOMSTOPP - OÖ Plattform
gegen Atomgefahr, Austria
11. Johannes Scheiblhofer, ATOMSTOPP - OÖ Plattform
gegen Atomgefahr, Austria
12. Helga Mitter, ATOMSTOPP - OÖ Plattform gegen
Atomgefahr, Austria
13. Edeltraud Koller, Diözese Linz, Austria
14. Mathias Reichl, Begegnungszentrum für aktive
Gewaltlosigkeit, Austria
15. Irene Winkler, Mütter gegen Atomgefahr Freistadt,
16. Christine Wurm, Organisation "Gemeinsam für Sonne
und Freiheit", Austria
17. Maria Urban, WIENER PLATTFORM "Atomkraftfreie
Zukunft", Austria
18. Inge Scherff, Wiener Plattform "Atomkraftfreie
Zukunft", Austria
19. Monika Simon-Paseka, Wiener
Plattform "Atomkraftfreie Zukunft", Austria
20. Erwin Mayer, Greenpeace Austria, Austria
21. Gerhild Kremsmair, PLAGE - Salzburger Plattform
gegen Atomgefahren, Austria
22. Hildegard Breiner, Vorarlberger Plattform gegen
Atomgefahren, Austria
23. Christine Schmutterer, ARGE ja zur Umwelt, nein zur
Atomenergie, Austria
24. Bernhard Riepl, "Gemeinsam für Sonne+Freiheit",

25. Svetlana Semenas, NGO "Ecohome", Belarus

26. Bram Claeys, Policy officer Climate, Energy &
Transport Bond Beter Leefmilieu Vlaanderen, (Federation of
Environmental Organisations), Brussels, Belgium

27. Dian Deyanov, Ecosouthwest, Bulgaria

28. Dr. Rosalie Bertell, GNSH, International Institute
of Concern for Public Health, Toronto, Canada
29. S.(Ziggy) Kleinau, Coordinator, Citizens For
Renewable Energy (CFRE), Ontario, Canada
30. Marion Odell, International Institute of Concern
for Public Health, Canada
31. Nêst Pritchard, Member of Ontario Voice of Women
for Peace
32. Janet Patterson, Women's Healthy Environments
Network, Toronto, Canada

33. Dia de la Terra - Catalunya (Earth Day Catalonia)
34. Una Sola Terra (Only One Earth)
35. Els Verds - Alternativa Verda (Greens - Green
36. Col.lectiu Userda (Userda Collective)
37. Dr. Josep Puig, Group of Scientists and Technicians
for a Non Nuclear Future -  GCTPFNN, Spain

38. Pavel Vlzek, OIZP Občanská Iniciativa Pro Ochranu
ZP BIU, Czech Republic
39. Dana Kuchtova, Sdruzení Jihoceské Matky, Czech
40. Edward Sequens, CALLA, Czech Republic
41. Milan Smrz, EUROSOLAR, Czech Republic

42. Wen Bo, Pacific Environment, China

43. Preben Maegard, Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable
Energy, Denmark

44. Mr.Kari Thomsen, Faroe Islands Environmental
Organisation - FNU

45. Ulla Klötzer, Women against Nuclear Power, Finland
46. Anna-Liisa Mattsoff, No More Nuclear Power
movement, Finland
47. Anita Antell and Christer Alm, Miljöringen-
Ympäristörengas rf.ry., Finland
48. Leo Stranius, Friends of the Earth Finland, Finland
49. Taisto Venermo, Chairman of Technics For Life
(Tekniikka Elämää Palvelemaan ry), Finland

50. Harsh Kapoor, South Asians Against Nukes, France
51. Jean-Yvon Landrac Réseau "Sortir du Nucléaire",
52. Gérard Botella, Les Amis de la Terre France, France
53. Jean-Marie Matagne, Ph.D., president of the Action
des Citoyens pour le
Désarmement Nucléaire, France
54. Solange Fernex, WILPF, France
55. Monique Guittenit, trésorière adjointe, Stop
Golfech, Agen, France
56. Pierre Labeyrie, Association EDEN, Energie-
Developpement Environnement (EDEN) France

57. Dieter Kaufmann, Arbeitskreis gegen Atomanlagen
Frankfurt a. M.
58. Gerhard Albrecht, Überparteiliche bayerische
Plattform gegen Atomgefahr, insbesondere aus Temelin e.V.
59. Bernd Scheibner, Überparteiliche bayerische
Plattform gegen Atomgefahr, insbesondere aus Temelin e.V.
60. Franz Moll, Nuclear-Free Future Award, Germany
61. Sebastian Pflugbeil, Society for Radiation
Protection, Germany
62. Ulrich Wenisch, Amberger BI für eine Zukunft ohne
Atomkraft, Germany
63. Kristin Mühlenhardt-Jenz, MÜTTER GEGEN ATOMKRAFT
e.V. Nürnberg, Germany
64. Helga Wodaschik, Mütter gegen Atomkraft, Germany
V., Germany
66. Roland Blach, Gewaltfreie Aktion Atomwaffen
Abschaffen, Stuttgart, Germany
67. Dr.-Ing. Brigitte Schmidt, Geschäftsführerin,
Solarinitiative Mecklenburg Vorpommern e.V., Deutschland
68. Wolfgang Schlupp-Hauck, Pressehütte Mutlangen
69. Reinhard Jungmann, 13156 Berlin (Chairman of PINiE
70. Yannis Schizas, ECOTOPIA, ecological magazine and
organization, Greece
71. Michael Kouloubris, Association for the protection
of the Environment of RODOS, Greece

72. S.P. Udayakumar, Coordinator, People's Movement
Against Nuclear Energy, India

73. Laura Radiconcini, Amici della Terra (FoE Italy),
Rome, Italy
74. Marco Saba, member of the Organized Crime
Observatory, Italy
75. Federico Butera, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

76. Fritz Raake, Solaris Solar Energy Systems, Cork,
77. Dirk Herberich, Member of Comhaontas Glas - Green
Party Ireland
78. Xavier Dubuisson, Irland
79. Kay Collins, SWS, Ireland
80. Roy H W Johnston, Techne Associates (Consultants on
Techno-economic, Socio-technical, Socio-linguistic,
Political and Environmental Issues) Dublin, Ireland
81. Paul McNally Architect, Green Party Ireland

83. Satomi Oba, Plutonium Action Hiroshima, Japan
84. Baku Nishio, Citizens' Nuclear Information Center,
Tokyo, Japan
85. KAWAI MARIKO, Kagoshima City, Japan
86. WATANABE Asaka, Hiroshima City, Japan
87. MASUDA Chiyoko, Voice of Hiroshima, Hiroshima City,

88. Charsky Vjacheslav, NGO "Club AGAT", Kyrgyz Republic
89. Igor Hadjamberdiev, NGO association "For Civil
Society" Kyrgyz Republic

90. Luis Gutierrez-Esparza, President, Latin American
Circle for
International Studies (LACIS), Mexico City
91. Arturo Pozo, Tradiciones en Armonia, Mexico

92. Peer de Rijk, World Information Service on Energy,
WISE, Netherlands

93. Marion Hancock, The Peace Foundation, Aotearoa/New
94. Barney Richards, New Zealand Peace Council, New

95. Prof. Bjørn Hilt, Regional vice president of IPPNW
in Europe, Norway

96. Aurel Duta, MAMA TERRA/For Mother Earth-Romania

97. Alexey Yablokov, Center for Russian Environmental
Policy, Russia
98. Oleg Bodrov, Green World, Russia
99. Vladimir Slivyak, Ecodefense, Russia
100. Vladimir Lagutov, NGO Green Don, Russia
101. Askhat Kayumov, Ecological center "Dront", Nizhny
Novgorod, Russia
102. Alexey Toropov, Siberian Ecological Agency, Russia
103. Elena Burlakova, Head of the Scientific Council on
Radiobiology of Russian Academy
   of Sciences, Russia
104. Gennady Smirnov, Varvara Litovka, Maxim Litovka,
Chukotka's regional ecological
   Public association "Kaira Club", Russia
105. Fatima Kobzhasarova, Chelyabinsk city public of
women "Fatiha", Russia
106. Boris Nekrasov, Siberian Environmental Alliance,
107. Achkasova Inna, Ecologik-cultural family public
organization "ETHNOS", Russia
108. Raschupkin Gennady, Ural Ecological Union,
Ekaterinburg, Russia
109. Olga Kobzar, Tomsk Regional Non-governmental
Organization «Centre of
   Environmental Policy and Information», Russia
110. Elena Grigorieva, Union of Architects of Russia,
Irkutsk organization, Russia
111. Olga Chupachenko, "Bereginya", Nizhny Novgorod,
112. Baikal Environmental Wave, Russia
113. Vladimir Mikheev, Citizens' Center on Nuclear Non-
Proliferation, Russia
114. Svetlana Gannushkina, Migration Rights Network,
115. Natalie I. Mironova, Movement for Nuclear Safety,
Chelyabinsk, Russia
116. Valeriy Sulin, Voronezh Ecological
organization "Endemic" (Regional department
          of Socio-Ecological Union), Russia
117. Alexey Sevastyanov, Organization of
lawyers "Pravosoznanie", Chelyabinsk, Russia
118. Alexey Zimenko, Biodiversity Conservation Center,
119. Konstantin Razbash, Chairman of Coordinational
Council of "Youth
         Ecological Forum" NGO, Russia
120. Knyazeva Lubov, Social Women Movement "Ozerchanka",

121. Juan Quemada, ISF R, Spain

122. Ingeborg Kleinhans, Folkkampanjen mot kärnkraft-
kärnvapen, Sweden
123. Eia Liljegren, Folkkampanjen mot kärnkraft-
kärnvapen, Sweden
124. Sven Thiberg, Swedish ARC-PEACE, , International
Architects Designers Planners for              
   Social Responsibility, Sweden

125. PSR/IPPNW Schweiz
126. Idamaria Tudora, 8052 Zürich, Switzerland
127. Bernhard Piller, Schweizerische Energie-Stiftung
SES, Zürich, Switzerland
128. Mister Gallus Cadonau, Solar Agentur, Switzerland
129. Manu Heim, Schweizerische Greina-Stiftung, Schweiz
130. Yasar Ozturk, Arkadas Environment Group, Turkey

131. Andrei Zatoka, Socio-Ecological Union Int.,

132. Doug Weir, Campaign Against Depleted Uranium, UK
133. Jenny Maxwell, West Midlands Campaign for Nuclear
   Birmingham, UK

134. Olexi Pasyuk, National Ecological Centre of
Ukraine, Ukraine
135. Olha Lyashchuk, National Ecological Centre of
Ukraine, Ukraine
136. Ukrainian Ecological Association "Green world"
137. Slesarenko Vasiliy energy and problem Chernobyl
damage, Ukraine
138. Shaparenko Sergey, Environmental Group "Pechenigy",
Kharkiv, Ukraine
139. Аnzhela Karpinska, Organization Novovolynsk branch
of Social Service of Ukraine,          

140. Jan Provost-Director, Northland Chapter,
Grandmothers for Peace, WI 54880, USA
141. Greg Mello, Los Alamos Study Group, Albuquerque, USA
142. Alice Slater, Global Resource Action Center for the
Environment(GRACE), USA
143. Dr. Kathleen Sullivan, Nuclear Weapons Education
and Action Project, New York, 
144. Valerie Heinonen, o.s.u., Ursuline Sisters, New
York, USA
145. Judi Friedman, PACE :People's Action for Clean
Energy, Inc., USA
146. Dennis F. Nester, The Roy Process for Neutralizing
Nuclear Waste, Phoenix,
147. Gordian Raacke, Executive Director, Renewable
Energy Long Island
   (RELI); USA
148. Damacio Lopez, Director, International Depleted
Uranium Study Team
   (IDUST), New Mexico, USA
149. Bill Smirnow, Nuclear Free New York, USA
150. Michael Mariotte, Executive Director, Nuclear
Information and Resource Service,
   Washington DC, USA

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